viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024

Las fotos del catastrófico paso del tifón Yagi por el sudeste asiático


Las consecuencias catastróficas del paso del tifón Yagi por varios países del sudeste asiático.

Coches bajo el agua

El agua lo cubre todo en el aparcamiento junto a un templo, en la localidad tailandesa de Mae Sai, tras el paso del tifón Yagi.

Mae Sai (Thailand), 11/09/2024.- A handout photo made available by the Wiang Phang Kham Subdistrict Municipality shows a person walking on a rooftop during flooding due to heavy rain in urban areas of Mae Sai District, in Chiang Rai Province, northern of Thailand, 11 September 2024. At least four people have died, several are missing, and more than 14,300 households have been affected by flash floods and landslides caused by the impact of Typhoon Yagi in several northern provinces of Thailand, according to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand. (Inundaciones, deslizamiento de tierras, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/WIANG PHANG KHAM SUBDISTRICT / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Refugiado en un tejado

Un vecino de la localidad tailandesa de Mae Sai se refugia en un tejado para evitar ser engullido por las inundaciones producidas por el tifón Yagi.

Mae Sai (Thailand), 11/09/2024.- A handout photo made available by the Wiang Phang Kham Subdistrict Municipality shows flooding due to heavy rain in urban areas of Mae Sai District, in Chiang Rai Province, northern of Thailand, 11 September 2024. At least four people have died, several are missing, and more than 14,300 households have been affected by flash floods and landslides caused by the impact of Typhoon Yagi in several northern provinces of Thailand, according to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand. (Inundaciones, deslizamiento de tierras, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/WIANG PHANG KHAM SUBDISTRICT / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Pueblo anegado

Más de 15.000 habitantes han tenido que ser evacuados de la localidad de Mae Sai (Tailandia), que ha sido completamente engullida por el desbordamiento de varios ríos. 

Chiang Rai (Thailand), 12/09/2024.- A handout photo made available by Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) shows CIB personnel helping flood victims during flooding due to heavy rain in urban areas of Chiang Rai Province, northern of Thailand, 12 September 2024. At least nine people have died, several are missing, and more than 22,400 households have been affected by flash floods and landslides caused by the impact of Typhoon Yagi in several northern provinces of Thailand, according to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand. (Inundaciones, deslizamiento de tierras, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/CENTRAL INVESTIGATION BUREAU / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Luchando contra la corriente

Miembros de los equipos de emergencia ayudan a un hombre a cruzar una calle completamente anegada, en una localidad de la provincia de Chiang Rai (Tailandia). 

Mae Sai (Thailand), 11/09/2024.- A handout photo made available on 12 September 2024 by the Wat Phasukkaram or Wat Mai Lung Khon temple shows flooded cars in the temple areas, where at least 38 people including four monks and eight novices with devotees were stuck inside the temple, following heavy rain in urban areas of Mae Sai District, in Chiang Rai Province, northern of Thailand, 11 September 2024. At least nine people have died, several remain missing, and more than 22,400 households have been affected by flash floods and landslides caused by Typhoon Yagi across several northern provinces, according to Thailand's Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. (Inundaciones, deslizamiento de tierras, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/WAT PHASUKKARAM THMPLE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Templo entre las aguas

El templo de Wat Mai Lung Khon, en el municipio de Mae Sai (Tailandia), emerge entre las aguas tras la terrible inundación producida por el tifón Yagi.

Taungoo (Myanmar), 12/09/2024.- Rescue volunteers with a boat wade through a flooded road in Taungoo, Bago division, Myanmar, 12 September 2024. Heavy rains triggered by Typhoon Yagi have caused severe flooding in parts of Myanmar, leaving thousands stranded in their homes, with further heavy rainfall and thunderstorms expected, according to the state weather office. (tormenta, Birmania) EFE/EPA/NYEIN CHAN NAING

Barca de rescate

Los equipos de emergencia rescatan en barca a los vecinos atrapados en sus casas, en la localidad de Taungoo (Myanmar).

Naypyitaw (Myanmar), 12/09/2024.- A flood victim with cows stands next to a fire to keep warm and to protect from the insect in Pyinmana, Naypyitaw, Myanmar, 12 September 2024. Heavy rains triggered by Typhoon Yagi have caused severe flooding in parts of Myanmar, leaving thousands stranded in their homes, with further heavy rainfall and thunderstorms expected, according to the state weather office. (tormenta, Birmania) EFE/EPA/NYEIN CHAN NAING

Al calor el fuego

Una víctima de las inundaciones se calienta con un fuego junto a sus vacas, tras el paso del tifón Yagi, en Pyinmana (Myanmar).

Taungoo (Myanmar), 12/09/2024.- People on a tire wade through flood waters in Taungoo, Bago division, Myanmar, 12 September 2024. Heavy rains triggered by Typhoon Yagi have caused severe flooding in parts of Myanmar, leaving thousands stranded in their homes, with further heavy rainfall and thunderstorms expected, according to the state weather office. (tormenta, Birmania) EFE/EPA/NYEIN CHAN NAING

Navegando sobre un neumático

Vecinos de la localidad de Taungoo (Myanmar) intentan ponerse a salvo navegando con una barca improvisada realizada con un neumático y unas planchas de madera. 

Mae Sai (Thailand), 12/09/2024.- A handout photo made available by the Wiang Phang Kham Subdistrict Municipality shows the officials of Wiang Phang Kham Subdistrict Municipality helping flood victims after the waters began to recede, from flooding due to heavy rain in urban areas of Mae Sai District, in Chiang Rai Province, northern of Thailand, 12 September 2024. At least nine people have died, several are missing, and more than 22,400 households have been affected by flash floods and landslides caused by the impact of Typhoon Yagi in several northern provinces of Thailand, according to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand. (Inundaciones, deslizamiento de tierras, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/WIANG PHANG KHAM SUB / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Hasta el cuello

Los equipos de emergencia trasladan a una anciana a un lugar seguro, por una calle completamente anegada en la localidad tailandesa de Mae Sai.

Chiang Rai (Thailand), 12/09/2024.- Flooded cars in a parking lot following heavy rain in city areas of Chiang Rai Province, northern Thailand, 12 September 2024. At least nine people have died, several remain missing, and more than 22,400 households have been affected by flash floods and landslides caused by Typhoon Yagi across several northern provinces, according to Thailand's Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. (Inundaciones, deslizamiento de tierras, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/CHATKLA SAMNAINGJAM

Calles convertidas en ríos

En la localidad tailandesa de Chiang Rai, sus calles se han convertido en navegables tras las lluvias torrenciales producidas por el paso del tifón Yagi.

Las consecuencias catastróficas del paso del tifón Yagi por varios países del sudeste asiático.

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